That same autumn the sons of Atli
set on Aulvir Hnuf at his home,
and would fain have slain him.
They had such a force that Aulvir
could not withstand them,
but fled for his life.
Going northwards to Mæra,
he there found Harold,
and submitted to him,
and went north with the king to
Throndheim, and he became
most friendly with him,
and remained with him
for a long time thereafter,
and was made a skald.
In the winter following
earl Rognvald
went the inner way by
the Eid-sea southwards
to the Firths.
Having news by spies
of the movements
of king Vemund,
he came by night to
where Vemund was
at a banquet, and,
surrounding the house,
burnt within it
the king and ninety men.