Next spring king Harold went
southwards along the coast
with a fleet, and subdued firths
and fells, and arranged for men
of his own to rule them.
Earl Hroald he set over the Firthfolk.
King Harold was very careful,
when he had gotten new peoples
under his power, about barons
and rich landowners, and all those
whom he suspected of being at all
likely to raise rebellion.
Every such man he treated
in one of two ways:
he either made him become his liege-man, or go abroad;
or (as a third choice) suffer yet harder conditions,
some even losing life or limb. Harold claimed as his own
through every district all patrimonies, and all land tilled or
untilled, likewise all seas and freshwater lakes.
All landowners were to be his tenants, as also all that worked
in the forest, salt-burners, hunters and fishers by land and sea,
all these owed him duty.
But many fled abroad from this tyranny, and much waste land
was then colonized far and wide, both eastwards in Jamtaland
and Helsingjaland, and also the West lands, the Southern isles,
Dublin in Ireland, Caithness in Scotland, and Shetland.
And in that time Iceland was found.