King Audbjorn went with his forces northwards to Mæra;
here he joined king Arnvid and Solvi Bandy-legs,
and altogether they had a large host.
King Harold also had come from the north with his forces,
and the armies met inside Solskel.
Of the Mærian forces fell the
kings Arnvid and Audbjorn,
but Solvi escaped, and afterwards
became a great sea-rover,
and wrought much scathe
on Harold's kingdom,
and was nicknamed Bandy-legs.
On Harold's side fell two earls,
Asgaut and Asbjorn,
and two sons of earl Hacon,
Grjotgard and Herlaug,
and many other great men.
After this Harold subdued
South Mæra.
Vemund Audbjorn's brother still
retained the Firthfolk,
being made king.
It was now autumn,
and king Harold was advised
not to go south in autumn-tide.
So he set earl Rognvald over
North and South Mæra and
Raumsdale, and kept a numerous
force about himself.
(Solvi Bandy-Legs)