Whereupon Egil rowed back to the ship, and bade the men rise and take their weapons.
They did so. The ship they put out from the shore and anchored.
Egil left twelve men to guard the ship, but himself went on the ship's boat,
they being eighteen in all; they then rowed in along the sound.
They so regulated their pace that they came to Fenhring at eventide,
and put into a hidden creek there.
Then said Egil:
'Now will I go up into the island and spy out what I can get to know;
but you shall await me here.'
Egil had his weapons that he was wont to have, a helm and shield,
a sword at his girdle, a halberd in his hand.
He went up into the island and along the border of a wood.
He had now drawn a hood over his helm.
He came where there were some lads, and with them large sheep-dogs.
And when they began to exchange words, he asked whence they were,
and why they were there, and had such big dogs.
They said:
'You must be a very silly fellow;
have you not heard that a bear goes about the island here, a great pest?
He kills both men and sheep, and a price is set upon his head.
We watch here at Askr every night over our flocks that are penned in the fold.
By why go you at night thus armed?'