He answered:
'I, too, am afraid of the bear; and few, methinks, now go weaponless.
He has long pursued me to-night.
See there now, where he is in the skirt of the wood!
Are all asleep at this farmhouse?'
The boy said that Bergonund and
Frodi would be drinking still;
'they sit at it every night.'
'Then tell them,' said Egil,
'where the bear is;
but I will hasten home.'
So he went away;
but the boy ran home to the farmhouse,
and into the room where they were drinking.
All had gone to sleep save these three,
Onund, Frodi, and Hadd.
The boy told them where the bear was.
They took their weapons which hung there by them,
and at once ran out and up to the wood.
From the main forest ran out a spur
of wood with scattered bushes.
The boy told them where the bear
had been in the bushes.
Then they saw that the branches moved,
whence they guessed that the bear would be there.
Then Bergonund advised that
Hadd and Frodi should run forward
between the shrubs and the main forest,
and stop the bear from gaining the wood.
Bergonund ran forward to the bushes.
He had helm and shield, a sword at his girdle,
a halberd in his hand.
Egil was there before him in the bushes, but no bear.