The slaying of Bergonund and Rognvald the king's son.
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Egil sailed out to sea for the night, as was written above.
And when morning came the wind fell and there was a calm.
They then lay drifting, letting the ship ride free for some nights.
But when a sea-breeze came on, Egil said to his shipmen,
'We will now sail to land, for I do not quite know,
should the sea-wind come to blow hard, where we could make land,
'tis a dangerous-looking coast in most places.'
The rowers bade Egil rule their course.

So then they made sail, and sailed into the waters about Herdla.
There they found a good haven, and spread the tent over their ship,
and lay there for the night. They had on the ship a little boat,
into which went Egil with three men.
They rowed into Herdla, and sent a man up into the island to learn tidings;
and when he came down to the ship,
he said that there at the farm was Rognvald, the king's son, and his men.
'They sate there a-drinking,' said he.
'I lit on one of the house-carles;
he was ale-mad,
and said that here they must not drink less than was drunk at Bergonund's,
though Frodi was feasting there with a party of five.
He said that no more were there than the house-hold, save Frodi and his men.'