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Page 238 Chapter

The weather was calm, a fell-wind blew by night, a sea breeze by day.
One evening Egil sailed out to sea, but the fishermen were then rowing in to land,
those, to wit, who had been set as spies on Egil's movements.
They had this to tell, that Egil had put out and sailed to sea, and was gone.
This news they carried to Bergonund.
And when he knew these tidings,
then he sent away all those men that he had had before for protection.
Thereafter he rowed in to Alrekstead,
and bade Frodi to his house, for he had a great ale-drinking there.
Frodi went with him, taking some men.
They were feasted well there, and they made merry, with no fear of danger.
Rognvald, the king's son, had a pinnace, rowed by six men on either side,
painted all above the sea line.
He had with him ten or twelve who constantly followed him;
and when Frodi had left home,
then Rognvald took the pinnace and they rowed out to Herdla twelve in number.
A large farm of the king's was there,
whereof the manager was named Skegg-Thorir.
Rognvald in his childhood had been fostered there.
Thorir received the king's son joyfully.
There too was no lack of drink.
