But Solvi Bandy-legs, Hunthiof's son,
escaped thence, and going to king Arnvid,
in South Mæra, he asked help,
with these words:


'Though this danger now touches us,
before long the same will come to you;
for Harold, as I ween, will hasten hither
when he has enthralled and oppressed
after his will all in North Mæra and Raumsdale.
Then will the same need be upon you as was
upon us, to guard your wealth and liberty,
and to try everyone from whom you may
hope for aid. And I now offer myself with my
forces against this tyranny and wrong.
But, if you make the other choice,
you must do as the Naumdalesmen have done,
and go of your own will into slavery,
and become Harold's thralls.
My father though it victory to die a king with
honour rather than become in his old age
another king's subject. Thou, as I judge,
wilt think the same, and so will others who
have any high spirit and claim to be men of valour.'

By such persuasion king Arnvid was determined to gather
his forces and defend his land. He and Solvi made a league,
and sent messengers to Audbjorn, king of the Firthfolk,
that he should come and help them. Audbjorn, after counsel
taken with friends, consented, and bade cut the war-arrow
and send the war-summons throughout his realm, with word
to his nobles that they should join him.

(Solvi Bandy-legs)
(king Arnvid)
Page 11 Chapter
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(Solvi Bandy-legs)