Harold, son of Halfdan Swarthy, was heir after his father.
He had bound himself by this vow, not to let his hair be
cut or combed till he were sole king over Norway,
wherefore he was called Harold Shockhead.
So first he warred with the kings nearest to him and
conquered them, as is told at length elsewhere.
Then he got possession of Upland; thence he went
northwards to Throndheim, and had many battles there
before he became absolute over all the Thronds.

(King Harold)

After that he purposed to go north to Naumdale to attack
the brothers Herlaug and Hrollaug, kings of Naumdale.
But when these brothers heard of his coming, Herlaug
with twelve men entered the sepulchral mound which they
had caused to be made (they were three winters at the making),
and the mound then was closed after them.
But king Hrollaug sank from royalty to earldom, giving up his
kingdom and becoming a vassal of Harold. So Harold gained
the Naumdalesmen and Halogaland, and he set rulers over his
realm there. Then went he southwards with a fleet to
Mæra and Raumsdale.

(King Hrollhaug and King Harold)

Page 10 Chapter

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