The brothers made them ready for this, and,
taking each one his long-ship, went to seek Thorgils,
and learnt that he was come from the west,
and had sailed northwards along the coast.
Northwards after him went they,
and found him in Fir Sound.
They knew the ship at once,
and laid one of their ships on the seaward side of her,
while some of them landed,
and thence went out on to the ship by the gangways.
Thorgils' crew, apprehending no danger, made no defence;
they found out nothing till many armed men were aboard,
and so they were all seized,
and afterwards put on shore weaponless,
with nothing but the clothes they wore.
But Hallvard's men drew out the gangways,
loosed the cables, and towed out the ship;
then turned them about, and sailed southwards along
the coast till they met the king,
to whom they brought the ship and all that was in it.
And when the cargo was unloaded,
the king saw that it was great wealth,
and what Harek had said was no lie.

Page 59 Chapter
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