That same autumn Hildirida's sons carried tribute to the king.
But when they paid it the king himself was present and saw. He said:
'Is this tribute now paid all that ye took in Finmark?'
'It is,' they answered.
'Less by far,' said the king, 'and much worse paid is the tribute
now than when Thorolf gathered it; yet ye said that he managed the business ill.'
'It is well, O king,' said Harek, 'that thou hast considered how large a tribute
should usually come from Finmark, because thus thou knowest how much thou losest,
if Thorolf waste all the tribute before thee.
Last winter we were in Finmark with thirty men,
as has been the wont of thy stewards heretofore.
Soon after came Thorolf with a hundred men, and we learnt this,
that he meant to take the lives of us two brothers and all our followers,
his reason being that thou, O king, hadst handed over to us the business
that he wished to have. It was then our best choice to shun meeting him,
and to save ourselves: