Skallagrim also sent his men up on the salmon-rivers to fish.
He set Odd Lonehouse by Cleave-river to see to the salmon-fishing there.
Odd dwelt under Lonehouse. Lonehouse-ness has its name from him.
Sigmund was the name of the man whom Skallagrim set by North-river;
he dwelt at what was then called Sigmundstead, but now Hauga.
Sigmundar-ness takes its name from him.
He afterwards moved his homestead to Munodar-ness,
that being thought more convenient for salmon-fishing.
But as Skallagrim's live-stock
multiplied, the cattle used to
go up to the fells in the summer.
And he found that the cattle that
went on the heath were by far
better and fatter;
also that sheep did well through
the winters in the fell-dales
without being driven down.
So Skallagrim set up buildings
close to the fell, and had a house there;
and there he had his sheep kept.
Of this farm Griss was the overlooker,
and after him was called Grisartongue.
Thus Skallagrim's wealth had
many legs to stand on.