There he dropped an anchor from the bows of the boat,
then stepped overboard, and dived down to the bottom,
and brought up a large stone, and lifted it into the boat.
Then he himself climbed into the boat and rowed to land,
and carried the stone to the smithy and laid it
down before the smithy door,
and thenceforth he hammered iron on it.
That stone lies there yet, and much slag beside it;
and the marks of the hammering may be seen
on its upper face,
and it is a surf-worn boulder,
unlike the other stones that are there.
Four men nowadays could not lift a larger mass.
Skallagrim worked hard at smithying,
but his house-carles grumbled thereat,
and thought it over early rising.
Then Skallagrim composed this stave:
'Who wins wealth by iron
Right early must rise:
Of the sea's breezy brother
Wind-holders need blast.
On furnace-gold glowing
My stout hammer rings,
While heat-feeding bellows
A whistling storm stir.'