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Page 229 Chapter

Whereupon king Eric made answer:
'If thou, Egil, art strongly set on fighting,
then will we grant thee this forthwith.'
Egil replied:
'I will not fight with king's power
and overwhelming force;
but before equal numbers I will not flee,
if this be given me.
Nor will I then make any distinction of persons,
titled or untitled.'
Then spake Arinbjorn:
'Go we away, Egil;
we shall not here effect to-day
anything that will be to our gain.'
And with this Arinbjorn and all his
people turned to depart.

But Egil turned him and cried aloud:
'This do I protest before thee,
Arinbjorn, and thee, Thord,
and all men that now can hear my word,
barons and lawmen and all people,
that I ban all those lands that belonged to
Bjorn Brynjolfsson, from building and tillage,
and from all gain therefrom to be gotten.
I ban them to thee, Bergonund, and to all others,
natives and foreigners, high and low;
and anyone who shall herein offend
I denounce as a law-breaker,
a peace breaker, and accursed.'
After which Egil went away with Arinbjorn.