'Great wonder is this, sir king,
that thou lettest this big Egil make such a coil
of the whole cause before thee.
Wouldst thou find nought to say against him,
though he should claim at thy hand thy very kingdom?
Now though thou wilt give no decision that may help Onund,
yet will not I brook this,
that Egil tread under foot our friends and wrongfully
take the property from Onund.
Where is Alf my brother?
Go thou, Alf, with thy following,
where the judges are,
and let them not give this wrong judgment.'
Then he and his men went thither,
and cut in sunder the precinct-ropes
and tore down thepoles,
and scattered the judges.
Great uproar was there in the Thing;
but men there were all weaponless.
Then spake Egil:
'Can Bergonund hear my words?'
'I hear,'
said Onund.
'Then do I challenge thee to combat,
and be our fight here at the Thing.
Let him of us twain have this property,
both lands and chattels,
who wins the victory.
But be thou every man's dastard if thou darest not.'