Then spake Skallagrim in great wrath,
'How dared you come to meet me?
Did you not know what friendship was between me and Thorir?'
Bjorn answered,
'I knew that between you two was foster-brotherhood and close friendship;
but I sought your home because I was driven ashore here,
and I knew it would avail naught to shun you.
Now will it be for you to rule what my lot shall be,
but I hope for good from you as I am of your household.'
Then came forward
Thorolf Skallagrim's son,
and added many a word,
and begged his father
not to lay this to Bjorn's
charge after once receiving him.
Several others spoke
to the same end.
And so it came that
Skallagrim was appleased,
and said that Thorolf
should have his way here.
'Take you Bjorn,' said he,
'and deal with him as may
best prove your manhood.'