After this Thorolf entered on his wooing with Sigurd,
and asked Sigridr, his daughter, to wife.
Sigurd received the proposal well; he said there were
many reasons for this; first, the king would have it so;
next, Bard had asked it; and further he himself knew
Thorolf well, and thought it a good match for his daughter.
Thus Sigurd was easily won to grant this suit;
whereupon the betrothal was made,
and the wedding was fixed for the autumn at Torgar.

During that winter Sigurd died at Sandness, and Thorolf was
heir to all his property; this was great wealth

Page 34 Chapter

Then Thorolf went home to his estate,
and his comrades with him.
There he prepared a great feast,
and bade many thereto.
Of Thorolf's kin many were present,
men of renown. Sigurd also came
thither from the north with a long-ship
and a chosen crew.
Numerously attended was that feast,
and it was at once seen that
Thorolf was free-handed and munificent.
He kept about him a large following,
whereof the cost was great,
and much provision was needed;
but the year was good, and needful
supplies were easily found.

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