This arrangement he made fast, as the law was,
with the leave of the king. Then Bard died, and was buried,
and his death was much mourned. Thorolf was healed of his wounds,
and followed the king, and had won great glory.

In the autumn the king went north to Throndheim.
Then Thorolf asked to go north to Halogaland,
to see after those gifts which he had received in the
summer from his kinsman Bard.
The king gave leave for this,
adding a message and tokens that
Thorolf should take all that Bard had given him,
showing that the gift was with the counsel of the king,
and that he would have it so.
Then the king made Thorolf a baron,
and granted him all the rights which Bard had had before,
giving him the journey to the Finns on the same terms.
He also supplied to Thorolf a good long-ship,
with tackling complete, and had everything made ready
for his journey thence in the best possible way.
So Thorolf set out, and he and the king parted with great affection.

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