To Grim the Halogalander he gave
dwelling-place south of Borgar-firth,
on the shore named Hvann-eyrr.
A little beyond this a bay of no great
size cuts into the land.
There they found many ducks,
wherefore they called it Duck-kyle,
and the river that fell into the sea there
From this river to the river called Grims-river,
the land stretching upwards between them Grim had.
That same spring, as Skallagrim had his
cattle driven inwards along the sea,
they came to a small ness where
they caught some swans,
so they called it Swan-ness.
Skallagrim gave land to his shipmates.
The land between Long-river and
Hafs-brook he gave to Ani,
who dwelt at Anabrekka.
His son was Aunund Sjoni.
About this was the controversy of
Thorstein and Tongue Odd.
Grani dwelt at Granastead on Digraness.
To Thorbjorn Krum he gave the land by
Gufu-river upward, and to Thord of Beigaldi.
Krum dwelt at Krums-hills, but Thord at Beigaldi.
To Thorir Giant and his brothers he gave land
upwards from Einkunnir and
the outer part by Long-river.
Thorir Giant dwelt at Giantstead.
His daughter was Thordis Staung,
who afterwards dwelt at Stangerholt.
Thorgeir dwelt at Earthlongstead.