There were lost with Hallvard fifty men in all.
The ship and the wealth that was in it Skallagrim's men took.
Two or three men whom they deemed of least note they seized,
and gave them their lives, asking of them who had been in the ship,
and what had been the purport of the voyage.
After learning all the truth about this,
they looked over the slain who lay on ship-board.
It was found that more had leapt overboard, and so perished,
than had fallen on the ship.
The sons of Guttorm had leapt overboard and perished. Of these,
one was twelve years old, the other ten, and both were lads of promise.
Then Skallagrim set free the men whose lives he had spared, a
nd bade them go to king Harold and tell him the whole tale of
what had been done there, and who had been the doers of it.
'Ye shall also,' said he, 'bear to the king this ditty:

'For a noble warrior slain
Vengeance now on king is ta'en:
Wolf and eagle tread as prey
Princes born to sovereign sway.
Hallvard's body cloven through
Headlong in the billows flew;
Wounds of wight once swift to fare
Swooping vulture's beak doth tear.'

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