The slaying of Hildirida's sons.

There was a man named Kettle Hæing,
son of Thorkel earl of Naumdale,
and of Hrafnilda daughter of Kettle Hæing of Hrafnista.
He was a man of wealth and renown;
he had been a fast friend of Thorolf Kveldulf's son,
and was his near kinsman.
He had been out on that expedition when forces
gathered in Halogaland with intent to join Thorolf,
as has been written above.
But when king Harold went south,
and men knew of Thorolf's slaying,
then they called a gathering.

Hæing took with him sixty men, and turned to Torgar.
Hildirida's sons were there, and few men with them.
He went up to the farm, and made an attack on them;
and there fell Hildirida's sons, and most of those who were there;
and Hæing and his company took all the wealth they could lay hands on.
After that Hæing took two ships of burden, the largest he could get,
and put on board all the wealth belonging to him that he could carry;
his wife and children also he took,
and all the men that had been with him in the late work.
And when they were ready and the wind blew fair,
they sailed out to sea. A man named Baug, Hæing's foster-brother,
of good family and wealthy, steered the second ship.

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(Kettle Hæing)