Einar Helgi's son the poet was nicknamed Skala-glam.
He composed a poem about earl Hacon, which is called 'Dearth of Gold';
and for a long time the earl would not hear the poem because he was wroth with Einar.
Then Einar sang:
'Song made I on a chief
Supreme o'er land enthroned;
While others slept, I wrought,
Whereof I much repent.
Hither the earl to seek
Eager I came, nor thought
From brave free-handed prince
Far-comers worse would fare.'
'Seek we that earl whose sword
Spreads banquet for the wolf:
To Sigvald's ship well-oared,
Shield-fenced, my sword I lend.
Wielder of wound-snake, he
Will not my succour scorn:
I to his sea-borne barque
My buckler now will bear.'