Then said Egil, 'You do well, daughter,
in that you will follow your father.
Great love have you shown to me.
What hope is there that I shall wish
to live with this grief?'
After this they were silent awhile.
Then Egil spoke:
'What is it now, daughter?
You are chewing something, are you not?'
'I am chewing samphire,'
said she, 'because I think it will do me harm.
Otherwise I think I may live too long.'
'Is samphire bad for man?'
said Egil. 'Very bad,' said she;
'will you eat some?'
'Why should I not?' said he.
A little while after she called
and bade them give her drink.
Water was brought to her.
Then said Egil,
'This comes of eating samphire,
one ever thirsts the more.'
'Would you like a drink, father?'
said she.
He took and swallowed the liquid in a deep draught:
it was in a horn.
Then said Thorgerdr:
'Now are we deceived; this is milk.'
Whereat Egil bit a sherd out of the horn,
all that his teeth gripped, and cast the horn down.