Then Egil and his men took their horses and went on their way till they came over the ridge.
But the Vermians who had escaped brought news of this to their fellows, who were by the bog.
They then advanced by the lower road and so beset the way in front of Egil.
Ulf said to his comrades:
'We must now go cunningly to work with them, and so manage that none get away.
This,' said he,
'is the nature of the ground:
the road skirts the ridge, close to the foot of which runs the bog, while a rocky brow is above, and the passage lies between these and is no broader than a footpath.
Now some of us shall go forward round the brow to withstand them if they advance;
but some shall hide here in the wood,
and leap out at their back when they have got on before us.
And take we such heed that none escape.'
They did as Ulf bade:
Ulf went forward round the brow and ten men with him.