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Then Ljot came forward on the field and declared the law of combat,
that he should ever after bear the name of dastard who should draw back
outside the boundary stones that were set up in a ring round the field of combat.
This done, they closed, and Egil dealt a blow at Ljot, which Ljot parried with his shield,
but Egil then dealt blow upon blow so fast that Ljot got no chance for a blow in return.
He drew back to get room for a stroke, but Egil pressed as quickly after him,
dealing blows with all his vigour.
Ljot went out beyond the boundary
stones far into the field.
So ended the first bout.
Then Ljot begged for a rest.
Egil let it be so.
They stopped therefore
and rested.
And Egil sang:

'Free-handed gold-giver,
Back goeth yon champion,
In craven fear crouches
This wealth-craving wight.
Not strongly fights spearmen
His strokes who delayeth.
Lo beat by a bald-head
This bragging pest flies.'