Then Egil and the rest went into the hall and drank.
They sate there for the day.
But in the evening came those friends of Fridgeir who had appointed to go with him,
and there was a numerous company for the night, and a great banquet.
On the morrow Fridgeir made ready to go, and many with him,
Egil being one of the party.
It was now good travelling weather.
They now start, and soon come to the island.
There was a fair plain near the sea,
which was to be the place of combat.
The ground was marked out by stones lying round in a ring.
Soon came thither Ljot and his party.
Then he made him ready for the combat.
He had shield and sword.
Ljot was a man of vast size and strong.
And as he came forward on the field to the ground of combat,
a fit of Berserk fury seized him;
he began to bellow hideously, and bit his shield.
Fridgeir was not a tall man;
he was slenderly built, comely in face, not strong.
He had not been used to combats.
But when Egil saw Ljot, then he sang a stave:
'It fits not young Fridgeir
To fight with this warrior,
Grim gnawer of shield-rim,
By his gods who doth curse.
I better may meet him,
May rescue the maiden;
Full fearsome he stareth,
Yet "fey" are his eyes.'