It was late ere Egil was ready, and when he put to sea,
the winds delayed him.
Autumn then came on, and rough weather set in.
They sailed past the north coast of the Orkneys.
Egil would not put in there,
for he thought king Eric's power would
be supreme all over the islands.
Then they sailed southwards past Scotland,
and had great storms and cross winds.
Weathering the Scotch coast they held on southwards along England;
but on the evening of a day, as darkness came on, it blew a gale.
Before they were aware, breakers were both seaward and ahead.
There was nothing for it but to make for land, and this they did.
Under sail they ran ashore, and came to land at Humber-mouth.
All the men were saved, and most of the cargo, but as for the ship,
that was broken to pieces.
When they found men to speak with, they learnt these tidings,
which Egil thought good,
that with king Athelstan all was well and with his kingdom:
but other tidings were there which Egil thought dangerous,
to wit, that king Eric Bloodaxe was there and Gunnhilda,
and they had the government of the province,
and Eric was but a short way up the country in the town of York.
This also Egil learnt, that lord Arinbjorn was there with the king,
and in great friendship with him.