Egil very soon spoke with Arinbjorn about those claims on money that he thought he had there in the land.
Arinbjorn said, 'That matter seems to me unpromising.
Bergonund is hard, ill to deal with, unjust, covetous;
and he has now much support from the king and the queen.
Gunnhilda is your bitter enemy, as you know already,
and she will not desire Onund to put the case right.'
Egil said, 'The king will let us get law and justice in this matter,
and with your help it seems no great thing in my eyes to take the law of Bergonund.'
They resolved on this, that Egil should equip a swift cutter,
whereon they embarked some twenty men, and went south to Hordaland and on to Askr. There they go to the house and find Onund. Egil declares his business,
and demands of Onund s sharing of the heritage of Bjorn.
He says that Bjorn's daughters were by law both alike his heirs,
'Though methinks,' says Egil,
'Asgerdr will be deemed more nobly born than your wife Gunnhilda.'

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