Egil bade them go to that loft.
But when they came to the staircase head they saw that the loft was open.
A light was inside, and servants, who were making the beds.
Egil bade some stay outside and watch that none came out.
Egil ran into the loft, seized weapons, of which there was no lack.
They slew all the men that were in there, and they armed themselves fully.
Aki went to a trapdoor in the floor and opened it,
telling them that they should go down by this to the store-room below.
They got a light and went thither. It was the goodman's treasury;
there were many costly things, and much silver.
There the men took them each a load and carried it out.
Egil took under his arm a large mead-cask, and bare it so.
But when they came to the wood, then Egil stopped, and he said:
'This our going is all wrong, and not warlike.
We have stolen the goodman's property without his knowing thereof.
Never ought that shame to be ours.
Go we back to the house, and let him know what hath befallen.'