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Page 134 Chapter

Egil went to Thord and told him what had been done. Thord said:
'I will go with you, and we will be avenged on them.'
He gave into his hands a halberd that he had been carrying.
Such weapons were then customary. They went where the boys' game was.
Grim had now got the ball and was running away with it,
and the other boys after him.
Then Egil bounded upon Grim, and drove the axe into his head,
so that it at once pierced his brain.
After this Egil and Thord went away to their own people.
The Myramen ran to their weapons, and so did either party.
Oleif Halt, with his following, ran to help the Borgarmen,
who were thus far the larger number, and they parted without doing more.
But hence arose a quarrel between Oleif and Hegg.
They fought at Laxfit, by Grims-river; there seven men fell,
but Hegg was wounded to death, and his brother Kvig fell.
But when Egil came home, Skallagrim said little about it;
but Bera said Egil had in him the makings of a freebooter,
and that 'twould be well, so soon as he were old enough,
to give him a long-ship.
