They remained there for awhile,
watching for a fit time to approach the king when he should be in a good humour.
Then they opened this matter before the king,
and said that a certain man had come named Thorolf, Skallagrim's son.
'We would pray thee,' they said, 'O king, to bear in mind this:
that his kinsmen have done good to thee,
and not to make him pay for what his father did in avenging his brother.'
Thorir spoke herein soft words,
but the king answered rather shortly
that to him and his much mischance
had come from Kveldulf and his sons,
and 'twas to be looked for that this
Thorolf would be like-minded with his kin.
'They are all,' said he, 'overbearing men,
who know no measure,
and care not with whom they have to deal.'